CBCT Scanning
CBCT scanning, or Cone Beam Computed Tomography, is an imaging technology that provides detailed, three-dimensional images of the dental structures.
Local CBCT scanning services are available through our partners at Lakeridge Dental Centre.
Guide Planning
The imaging of the bone, teeth, nerves and supporting structures provided by the CBCT scan, in conjunction with an intraoral scan or impression allow us the precisely plan the surgery.
Our team designs the plan to the specifications of the DDS, utilizing coDiagnostiX, DTX Studio or R2Gate.
Virtual Meeting
Before proceeding with guide fabrication, each case includes a Virtual Meeting to review and fine tune the plan with you via Zoom, AnyDesk or TeamViewer.
Guided Fabrication
Upon approval of the surgical plan, a surgical guide is fabricated utilizing 3D printing technology.
Treatment Planning
Crown and Bridge
Orthodontics and Nightguards
Guided Surgery Services